A Remedial Journey

Clearing the top soil to receive the earthen protective cap.

Clearing the top soil to receive the earthen protective cap.

ECGP and Impact are excited to bring the 2020 work season to a start. The Coronavirus Pandemic and record high rainfall has proved challenging in ramping up to a full start, however since March Impact has been safely moving forward. In April, Impact began prepping new work zones, setting up air monitoring stations and ground clearing for remedial excavations. In May, groundwater monitoring of the southern network began along with various other work activities. Source Area excavation has continued from last season, removing much of the contaminated material. Furthermore, ECGP and Impact began importing capping material to create the protective barrier cover over the Site surface. Doing this will both protect future inhabitants and pave the way to an exciting new revitalization of the property!

Debra Pappas